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About Author


R.H. (Recep) Suleyman was born in London in 1990 just four days before Halloween, providing the foundation for great creativity. From an early age, his interest in writing was apparent, as he was continuously scribbling down the stories his mind would conjure up. Brought up on the many different fairy tales his grandparents would tell him, Recep's imagination was to become his greatest asset. His passion for writing flourished throughout his youth and he has often found it difficult to keep his imagination contained. Growing up in a large family, with many colourful cousins, aunts and uncles, has provided endless streams of inspiration. With his writing, Recep aims to widen the imagination of the younger generation and offer some of the inspiration he was so fortunate to grow up with. His stories are not only for kids, though, as he hopes to remind older generations just how wondrous an enchanting tale can be. Writing is not Recep's only ambition, however, he studied theatre at the Tobacco Factory theatre in Bristol and is now doing his third year in Plymouth.

​​​A little more about him

R. H. Suleyman always says his imagination, never seems to switch off, he could see a cat upon a tree and any ordinary person would just see this as a cat on a tree and not take much interest in it, but when he sees a cat on a tree, he could suddenly get a burst of images, that this cat is in fact a princess, cursed to sit on the tree for all eternity. There really is no limit to his imagination. Raised up in a huge family of many cousins, uncles and aunts, is properly the reason why he has no trouble in creating many characters from out the blue. He aims with his writing, to hopefully widen the imagination of the younger generation, and teach younger kids at a young age about life and what awaits them and bring back the older generation to the wonders of a good enchanting tale, where the imagination can go wild with. Because he strongly believes that peoples imagination is the most powerful tool they possess.​


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